
创新. 影响. 激励.

趣赢平台 draws on 60 years of excellence in statistical research and data science, 数据收集与管理, 评价, and technical assistance while prioritizing community and collaboration to pursue innovation and strategic growth.


趣赢平台 is an employee-owned professional services firm that delivers high-quality research and information services that contribute to improvements in health care, 教育, 以及其他许多项目领域.

我们成功的关键一直是我们的员工所有者, 除了我们的工作, we are committed to supporting the communities in which we live and work. Join us and build your career, improving lives through research.

Erin Wiley, Senior Statistician, joined 趣赢平台 20 years ago. Her longevity is driven by the culture and vitality of the staff, and working alongside prestigious names within the statistics community.


我们公司的工作机会包括需要广泛专业知识的研究和管理职位, 比如设计调查, 分析数据, 评估项目, 沟通的结果. 这些职位也支持研究活动, 包括会计, 合同, 业务拓展及市场推广, IT, 现场服务, 和更多的.


野外数据采集器对趣赢平台至关重要. Our specially trained field staff are essential to obtaining high-quality data by interviewing people in their homes or businesses, 通过从记录和数据库中抽象数据, 通过实施标准化考试, 和更多的. 趣赢平台’s data collection staff reach out within communities across the nation to get feedback and answers on important topics.


实习为从事有意义的项目和研究提供了真实的机会, while being mentored by the best in the field and experiencing a broad overview on the dynamics of social science research. 实习是一种实践教育, and we’re proud to offer these opportunities across our topic areas.


趣赢平台的暑期实习项目为期9周,为本科生提供机会, 研究生, and doctoral students to eng年龄 in tangible work and 教育al experiences, 进一步了解社会科学研究领域和政府承包商的业务.

趣赢平台 interns have an opportunity to build their professional work experience and develop a network they can carry forward as they grow their career. 

趣赢平台 only considers online applications submitted to our company website. We  使用Google Hangouts或WhatsApp进行招聘. 学习更多关于保护自己免受 就业欺诈.


我们致力于趣赢平台. 我们是充满激情的问题解决者,并以调查的好奇心从各个角度应对每一个挑战. 作为一家员工所有的公司, 我们的力量在于我们的员工, 建立在多元化基础上的员工队伍, 股本, 和包容.

我们公司的根基是尊重我们的团队成员和我们的个人差异, and we use all those 视角 to strengthen our teamwork and collaboration. 正是从这种多样化的视角,我们才能找到解决方案,以应对客户可能面临的任何挑战.


我们通过提供卓越的数据驱动研究和技术援助来改善生活, 培养促进健康的见解和解决方案, 教育, 以及社会和经济机会.


有意义的工作. 我们热衷于对个人和社会产生积极影响的工作.

不妥协的卓越. We bring integrity and rigor to deliver quality in everything we do.

客户承诺. We serve our clients with dedication, expertise, deep understanding, and humility.

创新的解决方案. 我们共同的好奇心和解决问题的能力帮助我们突破可能的界限.

包容与归属. 我们营造一种尊重并赋予每个人权力的友好合作文化, 支持成长和幸福, 并重视各种形式的公平和多样性.

员工所有制. 作为员工所有者, 我们的行动是为了韦斯特的最大利益, 是公司资源的好管家吗, 分享我们共同的成功.


侧重于以客户为中心. 我们的承诺是把客户放在第一位, 以创新迎接挑战, 洞察力, 和开放的承诺, 响应, 和可靠的关系. 仅仅因为我们现在为客户所做的是有效的, we continually look for new strategies to meet tomorrow’s needs. We don’t rest on our laurels; we continue to explore best methods moving forward.

协作. The foundation of 趣赢平台, since our very first day in 1963, is collaboration. 随着我们的成长, 我们的跨领域合作使我们从竞争对手中脱颖而出,并吸引了客户, where we can strategically apply our experts and expertise to tailor research strategies that meet research needs. 你有机会在一系列项目中与最优秀、最聪明的人一起工作.

平衡. 我们工作是为了生活,而不是为了工作而生活. 我们公司理解你有工作之余的生活. We support and encour年龄 initiatives that allow you to pursue your interests and allow time and energy for your family, 志愿服务, 健康相关的活动.

我们提供员工折扣、社交和个人发展机会等额外福利. 我们的内部Be Well@趣赢平台项目提供心理、财务和身体健康方面的资源.

米歇尔·阿姆斯巴里,副总统 & 副主任,在韦斯特工作了24年. 她讨论了如何打造合格的团队, 与客户的关系, 以及在员工所有的公司工作是什么感觉.

多样性、公平和包容 (一些)

We are committed to building a 多样化的 workforce and a culture of inclusivity, 归属感, 人人平等. 我们的目标是创造一个人人都受到重视的环境, 受人尊敬的, 并得到成长和繁荣的支持.

We believe that our greatest strength draws on the different backgrounds, 文化, 视角, 以及我们员工的经验. 思想的多样性推动着我们的创新和创造, 丰富了我们的工作, and serves as a cornerstone of our role as an industry leader.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Our unwavering commitment to these principles is our way of doing business. 我们积极向受保护阶层伸出援手, 包括退伍军人, 残疾人士, 女性, 少数民族组织. 符合条件的申请人不论种族,一律一视同仁, 信条, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 资深地位, 残疾, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 国籍, 遗传信息, 性别认同或表达, 或任何其他受适用法律保护的身份.


Our EEOP Utilization Report is available upon request from the 均等就业机会/ AAP协调员、人力资源.


我们的全面奖励计划是我们公司品牌的综合福利包,供您参与. Our outlook is to assist and support you with your overall well-being, 从健康到职业发展, 补偿, 还有退休储蓄. 我们努力提供积极和有吸引力的工作经历,使您能够脱颖而出,并拥有一个充实的职业生涯.​​  

Raji里格斯, 总奖励部副主任, 讨论了韦斯特的健康和保健计划, 福利,比如员工援助计划, 员工持股计划, 还有我们的401(k).


我们的员工是我们最重要的资产. Providing you with the healthcare and insurance benefits you need is key. 通过Be Well@趣赢平台, 我们为符合条件的员工提供一系列套餐,帮助他们满足他们的独特需求.

  • 卫生保健

    一个健康的你是一个富有成效的你, so we provide a range of providers and options within those choices so that you can find a health plan that works best for you, 包括hmo, 传统的健康计划, 以及高免赔额计划. 您有首选供应商吗? 你在寻找灵活的选择吗? 趣赢平台为您提供一系列医疗保健选择.

  • 牙科保健

    不是所有的公司都提供牙科保健计划,但我们有. We recognize that dental health is tied to physical health and well-being, 所以我们为你提供医疗保健计划包括牙科保健, 以及个人牙科计划, 这样你就有机会得到你想要的治疗.

  • 视力保健

    我们的医疗保健计划提供打折的视力服务, 但我们也提供其他视力保健项目,你可以选择更多的供应商, 包括私人诊所和其他零售商. Some of our options expand to online 零售商 so you can focus on the exact frames or eye care options for that discerning look.

  • 健康储蓄和支出账户

    通过选择健康储蓄账户和灵活支出账户来获得税前储蓄, 这取决于你选择的医疗保健计划. These options are great ways to build up health care expense reserves as well as meet those expenses throughout the year or over time.


  • 意外保险

    Accidents happen and by their very nature are unexpected and may cause significant expense if there is a serious 受伤. 帮助, we provide accident insurance plans that help cover out-of-pocket medical expenses as well as non-medical expenses that help cover travel costs to see doctors as you recover.

  • 重大疾病保险

    一种灾难性的疾病,如癌症或中风,可能是一个重大的经济负担. It’s something you don’t plan for, but you can plan to handle…just in case. 韦斯特提供了一项计划,帮助您支付意外重大疾病的医疗费用.

  • 残障保险

    We offer basic long-term 残疾 at no cost; that’s right, 不需要你付出任何代价. This insurance can provide you the peace of mind against the unforeseen, 像残疾一样, 疾病, 受伤, 或者孩子的出生让你无法工作. 趣赢平台 also offers employees the option to elect short-term 残疾 insurance.

  • 人寿保险

    我们会帮你的. 趣赢平台为您免费提供基本人寿保险以及意外死亡和肢解保险, 不需要你付出任何代价. You can opt to add supplemental life insurance to fit your needs. In case of your spouse’s or domestic partner’s unexpected death, 这一福利可以帮助那些落后的人.

  • 法律和身份盗窃保险

    With so much of our personal information available on the web, 我们很容易遭受诈骗和身份盗用. Our staff can choose individual or family cover年龄 to help work through these unforeseen and costly issues that could drain us emotionally and financially.

  • 宠物保险

    我们的宠物是我们家庭的重要成员,我们也想让它们安全健康. We offer insurance for cats and dogs through ASPCA© Pet Health Insurance to help offset the cost of keeping all family members, 包括这些四条腿的, 健康的.


  • 假期离开

    Taking time off to recharge your batteries is important to your personal health as well as maintaining the quality of your work. 你将根据你的等级和服务年限在每个工资期累积假期时间.

  • 病假

    如果你生病了,我们希望你请假养病. And sick leave provides income protection when you or your family member is ill, 禁用, 或者接受医疗护理.

  • 探亲假和病假

    生活发生了. The 探亲假和病假 Act (FMLA) protects your job so that you can focus on important family needs like taking leave to care for a new baby, 收养一个孩子, taking care of yourself or a family member with a serious health condition, qualifying exigencies related to the foreign deployment of a military member, or taking care of a servicemember with a serious 受伤 or 疾病.

  • 育婴假

    我们认识到早期与孩子建立联系的重要性. 趣赢平台 offers parental leave so you can be home at those crucial early days of your family’s new arrival and not worry about losing ground at work. This benefit applies to fostering and adopting children, 太.




我们为公司的员工所有者感到自豪. 我们认识到,我们个人的努力和承诺会对公司的整体成功产生影响, fueling the continued high value of our work to clients and society. 自1977年以来每年, 通过员工持股计划(雇员股票拥有), 符合条件的员工参与者将获得股票. 你每天都在韦斯特工作, 这个独特的递延薪酬计划肯定了你的努力.


我们的固定缴款401(k)计划为您提供延税、面向退休的福利. 趣赢平台将员工供款比例定为5%. 有401(k)计划, you can make pre-tax and/or Roth contributions and build that safety net, 为你的未来做铺垫.  



We are committed to providing an environment where you can fully develop throughout your career and pursue the work that interests you. 工作范围之广令人振奋. Whether it’s contributing to research to ensure the safety of the blood supply, supporting clinical trials to eradicate chronic and infectious diseases, 或者支持教育工作者提高学生的成功, 你可以在韦斯特做.


Our Career Progression Framework program helps you outline your professional growth goals with career advancement opportunities that align to your skills and interests. 我们为您提供灵活的职业规划, 无论你是刚开始工作, 在职业生涯中期, 或者专注于执行角色. We are committed to ensuring opportunities for progression and growth.


加入韦斯特,保持在工作的最前沿. We provide eligible employees the opportunity to attend professional conferences, join professional associations to enhance the scope of your network, 并接受内部技术培训. We’ll support you in tuition and textbook reimbursement for relevant 教育 programs that keep your skills sharp.



Our staff are often working remotely depending upon their roles and responsibilities—maintaining seamless productivity while meeting personal and family needs and providing the adaptability to counter any possible disruptions caused by a pandemic or other unforeseen events. 我们为那些想要按不同的时间表来办公室的人提供选择. We recognize your productivity is linked to your work-life balance, 这些选择都能满足这些需求.


Our headquarters campus is centrally located in the Washington, DC, 地铁地区, close to our clients and easily accessible from the interstate, 地铁, 还有公交线路.


我们总部校园里阳光明媚的咖啡馆是休息一下喝咖啡的好地方, 坐下来享受一顿美味的饭菜, 要和同事或客户开会, 或者干脆拿一顿饭带回家. Our culinary staff whip up some great breakfast and lunch options, 我们的快餐是一个很好的选择, 太, 包括定制选择.


我们总部校园的健身中心拥有最先进的力量和有氧设备, 储物柜和淋浴, 毛巾服务, 还有一个专门的团体健身室,提供各种健身课程,适合任何健身水平. All this is offered at a low monthly membership fee so that you can get in a good workout without having to find a gym.



Our clients and partners are located across the nation and around the globe. We’ve established offices near them to more nimbly meet their challenges and needs. Our satellite offices provide clients the flexibility to reach out to us for timely solutions to their research needs.


我们补贴所有乘坐公共交通工具的员工, offering them the opportunity to make pre-tax deductions to a transit account for the purpose of traveling to work. 所有趣赢平台办公室为员工提供免费停车. Charging stations for electric vehicles are available at our Rockville campus.



We’re excited to announce that our headquarters will be relocating to Bethesda, 马里兰, 2025年的最后一个季度. 这一举措带来了许多优势,因为它的战略位置靠近我们的客户和合作伙伴, 根据我们的操作要求量身定制, 并旨在提高员工的工作经验.

Our new address will be 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, 马里兰. 位于我们目前的校园以南仅10英里,这个位置提供了特殊的可达性. 它位于红线上的贝塞斯达地铁站和公交车站的正对面,交通便利. 此外,它提供了方便前往华盛顿环城公路和I-270,并有现场免费停车场.

我们新址的便利设施将提供一个高效和愉快的工作环境. From hybrid and full-time onsite offices to conference facilities, 一个咖啡馆, 还有一个健身中心, we’re committed to providing a space that meets the 多样化的 needs of our team. Just outside our new office door are many great restaurants, 零售商, 还有繁华市中心的艺术场所.

As we approach the move-in date, we’ll keep you updated with any developments. We look forward to welcoming you to our new headquarters in Bethesda, 马里兰.


趣赢平台是100%的员工持股. 我们的员工持股计划(雇员股票拥有)允许员工获得股票并分享公司利润. We believe that employee ownership has been a key factor in our growth—we share a commitment to excellence and support each other in our mission to provide the best solutions for our clients. Our eng年龄ment in our work can and does make a difference in our success.




趣赢平台是美国的官方合作伙伴.S. 国防部的 军人配偶就业伙伴关系(MSEP)该公司是全美雇佣了18万多名军人配偶的雇主之一. MSEP将军人配偶与数百家承诺招聘的合作雇主联系起来, 雇佣, 促进, 保留军人配偶.

军人配偶由于经常搬迁,往往在获得报酬和长期就业方面面临障碍. MSEP and its partners work to overcome these issues by providing employment connections for these qualified spouses. 我们很荣幸能与MSEP合作, 这样我们就能直接接触到熟练技工了, 多样化的, 动机, 适应性强的劳动力. 


韦斯特经常登上福布斯“最佳”榜单, 哪些雇主会根据规模来关注他们, 同时也是多元化的最佳雇主, 女性, 退伍军人, 和更多的. Rankings are based on independent surveys and are across professional sectors. We are proud to be recognized consistently from employees on these issues.







